Gatsby, the Lighthouse and the Wolves of Wall Street

7Sunday, Nov 1 at 2pm.  Noble Maritime Collection, Building D, 1000 Richmond Terrace, SINY 10301

Staten Island OutLOUD’s Great Gatsby series comes to The Noble Maritime Collection​, whose new Lighthouse exhibit remind us of the green light across the harbor that beckoned Gatsby.
In addition to that romantic element, we’ll consider Gatsby’s darker side: To win Daisy, he had to get rich. Very rich. So he engaged in bond fraud, maybe similar to modern Wall Street shenanigans. We’ll compare Gatsby to some characters in Liar’s Poker, Bonfire of the Vanities, and The Wolf of Wall Street. (Neither a borrower nor a lender be)

Come early & enjoy the marvelous exhibits throughout the Noble Maritime Collection, which was the home of retired mariners for over a century.  The museum opens at 1pm on Sundays.  Co-hosted by Victoria Hallerman & Avi Gvili.Gatsby cover -Green light

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