Woman of the Harbor

Sunday, Nov 24, 2pm at the Noble Maritime Collection, 1000 Richmond Terrace (on the grounds of Snug Harbor), Building D, SINY 10301

Kate Walker (1848-1941) is a legendary woman in Staten Island maritime life. For many years, she was the lighthouse keeper at Robin’s Reef in New York Harbor. As her lightkeeper husband lay dying, he asked her to “Mind the light, Kate. Mind the light.” As a young widow, she raised her family on Robins Reef, and she rowed her children to the Staten Island shore so they could attend school. And all that time, for decades, Kate Walker faithfully minded the light.

Join us as we celebrate Kate’s 171st birthday on Sunday, Nov 24th. We’ll read from Kate’s journal, among other fascinating works. Musical guest, Lou Russo.

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